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Agenda Summary - Regular City Council Meeting - November 7th, 2023

6:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - City Council Chambers, Second Floor of Eureka City Hall, 531 K Street

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Land Acknowledgement

The land that Eureka rests on is known in the Wiyot language as Jaroujiji. Past actions by local, State and Federal governments removed the Wiyot and other indigenous peoples from the land and threatened to destroy their cultural practices. The City of Eureka acknowledge the Wiyot community, their elders both past and present, as well as future generations. This acknowledgement demonstrates the City's commitment to dismantle the ongoing legacies of settler colonialism.

Closed Session

Mayor's Announcements

Proclamation: National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week

Proclamation: Great American Smokeout


PETA Presentation

Public Hearings

Ocean View Acquisition and Operations Complex Development CEQA

Recommendation to Council to continue to a special meeting of City Council on November 21, 2023, at 4:30 pm in the Council Chambers.

Consent Calendar

Consent Calendar items are items that are considered to be routine, and will be enacted in one motion. If someone would like an item on the Consent Calendar pulled and discussed separately, a request must be made to a Councilmember before the meeting. If no requests are made by a Councilmember, the Consent Calendar will not be read. There will be no separate discussion of these items.

Council Minutes

Recommend Council approve City Council regular minutes of October 17, 2023.

October 17, 2023 Minutes

Eureka Housing Authority Repositioning Grant Funding Support Letters

Recommend Council authorize the Mayor to signed to letters encouraging the Infill and Infrastructure Grant Program to approve two applications from the Eureka Housing Authority.

Agenda Summary

First Letter of Support

Second Letter of Support

2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant

Recommend Council accept the grant awarded to Eureka Police Department and approve use of funds to hire organizational development consultant.

Agenda Summary

CalRecycle Authorizing Grant Resolution

Recommend Council adopt a Resolution of the City Council allowing the Community Services Department to apply for all CalRecycle grants that the City would be eligible for.

Agenda Summary


2023 Officer Wellness and Mental Health Grant Award

Recommend Council accept the grant awarded to Eureka Police Department and approve the use of the funds mental health and wellness assessment, consultation, and utilizing services provided by a licensed mental health clinician that works with law enforcement.

Agenda Summary

2023 Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) Grant

Recommend Council accept the grant.

Agenda Summary

Letter of Support for California Welcome Center Designation

Recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a letter of support for the Visit California Welcome Center Designation.

Letter of Support

Legislative Action Correspondence

No agenda items.


No agenda items.

Reports/Action Items

Operation Light Up Eureka

Recommend Council receive the report and approve the program.

Agenda Summary

Operation Light Up Eureka Program

Elections Code 9212 Report on Citizen's Initiative Amending the City's General Plan for 21 City-Owned Parking Lots and the Jacobs Middle School Site

Recommend Council receive report and direct staff on further action if needed.

Agenda Summary

Appendix A – Parking Lots

Appendix B – Initiative

Appendix C – Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis

Appendix D – General Plan Consistency Analysis

Appendix E – Affordable Housing on City-Owned Properties

Appendix F – Zoning Districts

Regional Climate Action Plan Update

Recommend Council receive report and provide comment.

Agenda Summary

Attachment 1 – Rincon Proposal

Attachment 2 – Excerpt of Rincon Analysis of Existing Draft CAP

Future Agenda Items

City Manager Reports

Warming Center

Council Reports/City Related Travel Reports

[Staff Note: the agenda was updated 11/02/2023 to fix an error with an attachment and to correct the title of the City Manager's Report. This summary is now up to date.]

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